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Help and Feedback

If you have questions or problems with Sceelix, there are several resources and means to get you started.


If you reached this point, you’ve probably realized that there is a lot of information here for you to explore! Besides browsing the several help categories, do not forget to check out the search feature, which will probably get you to your answer faster.


Each and every Sceelix release contains a sample project containing examples and hands-on tutorials on how to get started with Sceelix. More details can be found here.


Check out and subscribe to the YouTube channel or some tutorial samples that explain how to get started with Sceelix and illustrate how to get stuff done.


If you have a particular question that has not been answered in the documentation, then the discussions page is the place to go. The posts are organized into several sections, but just post it under "General Discussion" if you are unsure of where it belongs.